Liebermann Inc. Hoax Analysis – The 17k 92-inch monitor

March 8, 2008 – 2:50 PM

“On September 22, 2003 I was first made aware of this company’s (fictitious) display product known as the Grand Canyon. I looked briefly at the press release on their site and thought: “oh that’s cool, but too exotic for me.” On Thursday the 25th, I somehow got the idea that there was a controversy over the legitimacy of Liebermann, Inc. I went back to their site, and went to their home page for the first time. I was immediately suspicious and, with Steve’s help, we pieced together a lot of the scam that evening. Aside from outlandish claims, general unrealism and a broken e-commerce system, there were numerous other discrepancies contained within their site. Most surprisingly and amusingly, several Mac news sites, and even were befooled by this hoax — and continue to believe that it’s real. [Forbes has since come to its senses.]

This is a very clever hoax, and is responsible for a good solid 48 hours of enjoyment on our part. So thanks, Lisa! (Read on for details.)

This is the best entertainment that Hollywood has produced in recent history.”

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