January 17, 2010 – 6:58 PM
While I was updating my VMs today with the final version of BackTrack 4 I decided to jump in and take a look at the new IE 0day exploit that was added to MetaSploit a couple of days ago. It works surprisingly well. I had 100% success rate with IE6. IE7 was really touchy but I could not get it to work with IE8 at all. (has to do with DEP being enabled or not)
You need to use the new exploit for this bug:

Set your favorite payload:

Set your srvhost, lhost, and lport accordingly. You can also customize the uripath if you want. (defaults to a random string)
When it’s all set just start the exploit and wait until the URL is launched on the victim machine. If successful, you should get a session back and have full control:

Have fun.
Posted in Coding, Internet, Security, Software, Windows | 1 Comment