Google Reader’s Easter Egg

Monday, June 9th, 2008

up up down down left right left right b a   :) via: Google Blogoscoped

Goosh, a Google Command Line

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2008 hosts an unofficial Google interface which “behaves similar to a unix-shell,” as the author Stefan Grothkopp explains. For instance, entering n disney will result in a Google News search for the keyword “disney”. Type help to see some of the other available commands, like lucky (an “I’m feeling lucky” ...

Third-party advertisers tracking users in Google ad network

Friday, May 30th, 2008

Google is apparently allowing third-party advertisers to track consumers using the company's ad network, a practice that raised concerns from one privacy advocate. Some of the third-party ad servers and ad agencies that Google has approved to deliver ads through its network engage in behavioral advertising practices that ...

New Google Service Helps Infected Websites Clean Up

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

Google is now sharing details on why its automatic search deems certain Websites risky. The search giant this month quietly added a new, free service called the Safe Browsing Diagnostic Page that tells whether a site flagged by Google as potentially dangerous is hosting malware, or helps distribute malware, for ...

The URL Is Dead, Long Live Search

Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

Last week I was watching TV and saw something that really caught my eye. It was a commercial for Special K, the breakfast cereal from Kellogg, and rather than end with a plug for the product's web site -- -- it advised people to search Yahoo! for "Special K" ...