New Crimeware-as-a-Service Market Thriving

Sunday, April 13th, 2008

First it was do-it-yourself malware and phishing toolkits, then it was specialized sites selling stolen FTP credentials and credit card accounts, and now it’s the next phase in cybercrime: crimeware as a service. Researchers at Finjan, MarkMonitor, and Trend Micro are among those seeing a new cybercrime business model, where ...

How to keep your password hidden in plain sight

Friday, April 11th, 2008

When all of your users have decided to keep their passwords written down on sticky notes, on their hands and under their keyboards how do you protect them from themselves?  You could go ahead and rip off each of their finger nails (ouch) until they promise to never write it ...

Heads-up: Dangerous new customized IRS scam steals data

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

This afternoon, we got a highly customized email purporting to come from the IRS, which of course, does nothing more than load malware. The email is made out to a key financial contact here at Sunbelt (name obfuscated for this post). As you can see, it’s quite convincing. (Incidentally, “Sunbelt Software Distribution, ...

Trojan on Steals Personal Data

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

A new Trojan is successfully attacking online recruiting sites and already has accessed data on hundreds of thousands of users, researchers said last Friday. Researchers from Symantec and SecureWorks separately reported finding surprisingly effective penetrations by the new Trojan, called Infostealer.Monstres, which was attempting to access the online recruitment Website, ...

PayPal Security Key

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

Add an extra level of security when you log in with the PayPal Security Key. We protect your account with one of the highest levels of online security available. Now you can add even more protection with the PayPal Security Key.